
Crescent 9 Ginger Lemonade THC Seltzer


THC drinks

THC drink  Crescent 9 Ginger Lemonade THC Seltzer, the newest member of our THC beverage family! This cool cannabis beverage has a nice tartness and sweetness combination with a hint of warmth from the ginger.

With 5 mg of Delta-9 THC and 4 mg of CBD, this relaxing strain offers the ideal ratio of uplifting and calming effects. It’s also caffeine-free, so it’s great for relaxing at home or as a warm nightcap after a night out.

THC infused drinks.

Our Crescent 9 Ginger Lemonade THC Seltzer, made with cannabinoids derived from hemp, provides adults in the US with the relaxing effects of cannabis. It is formally registered with the Louisiana Department of Health, goes through independent laboratory testing, and is not just permitted by federal law.

Do not miss our Canned

THC Detox drinks

THC drinks are known to offer detoxifying effect so when purchasing remember to buy THC Detox drinks

HOw fast you can feel the effect of  THC seltzer dink

Our THC seltzer is made with water-soluble cannabis extracts, which the body absorbs quickly. Effects typically hit in about 15 minutes, peak around 1-2 hours, and last 3-6 hours


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